The goal of surgery for varicose veins is to normalize blood flow through the deep veins. Therefore, if an operation to remove varicose veins is indicated, you should not hesitate to apply it, because the sooner it is performed, the sooner blood flow will normalize, improve or cure other venous disorders and complications. with varicose veins.

Indications for removal of varicose veins
- With varicose veins;
- If the saphenous veins are pathologically enlarged;
- If varicose veins are associated with increased leg fatigue and swelling;
- If there are signs of impaired blood flow to the face - a severe feeling, swelling, increased fatigue of the legs, even without varicose veins;
- If there are trophic skin disorders that do not respond to conservative treatment (regardless of the presence or absence of varicose veins);
- Varicose veins are associated with trophic ulcers;
- Varicose vein removal is also performed at the clinic for acute varicose vein thrombophlebitis.
Contraindications to phlebectomy
- In the late stage of varicose veins;
- With hypertension;
- With ischemic heart disease;
- With severe infectious processes;
- Advanced age of the patient;
- Inflammatory processes in the feet, eczema, pyoderma, erysipelas, etc.
- They do not perform operations on varicose veins and in the second half of pregnancy.
Recommendations before phlebectomy
Preparing for a vein removal operation is absolutely simple:
- Take a shower;
- Shave the leg to be fully operated;
- Before surgery, the skin of the feet should be healthy and free of any pustular diseases;
- If surgery is scheduled to be performed under general anesthesia, mandatory cleansing enemas are prescribed on the eve of surgery;
- Come into operation with loose shoes and clothes;
- If you are taking any medicine, be sure to tell your doctor;
- During surgery, various medications can be used, and if you are intolerant or allergic to any medications, especially novocaine and iodine-containing substances, be sure to inform your surgeon about this.
Phlebectomy procedure
In the surgical treatment of varicose veins, diseased veins are simply removed. This operation takes about 1-2 hours. Removal of the saphenous veins does not interfere with normal blood flow and is safe for the body because no more than 10% of blood normally flows through the saphenous veins (i. e. , they are affected by varicose veins). 90% of venous blood is carried by deep veins and so-called leg ligaments. Therefore, when removing veins under the skin, these vessels easily take on the burden of blood circulation. After the operation, almost invisible marks remain, only 4-5 mm.
If malfunctioning venous valves are detected, extravasal correction of defective valves is performed in order to restore normal blood flow. After venous surgery, you should follow some recommendations, the main of which is elastic compression.
After surgery, the patient is recommended to use an elastic bandage or elastic stockings all the time for 1, 5-2 months. Furthermore, venotonic drugs are prescribed to restore the function of operated legs.
However, such surgeries are still accompanied by a high risk of scarring. Recently methods have been developed that make it possible to perform plastic surgery on the valves of the great saphenous vein without removing the veins. These operations for varicose veins are very effective, but they are still very complicated and are mastered by a small circle of specialists.
After vein removal surgery, the recommendations will change for each patient - it all depends on the degree of varicose veins in the patient, the presence of chronic diseases, the general state of health, as well as the nature and purpose of the operation. Therefore, after a venous intervention, listen carefully to your surgeon and follow his recommendations.
From the first hours after the operation, turning, bending the legs, etc. are recommended. And simply raising the last bed by 8-10 cm significantly improves the flow of blood vessels.
One day after the operation, for the treatment of varicose veins, a bandage is performed using compression stockings or an elastic bandage on both feet from the tips of the toes to the knee joints. Allowed to walk only after dressing. Also, after removing the veins, physiotherapy exercises and light massages are recommended to prevent thrombus formation.
7-10 days after surgery, you should not do gymnastics, gymnastics or exercise bikes, as well as visit the sauna and bath. On day 8-9, the sutures are removed and a course of physiotherapy exercises and water procedures are prescribed. Elastic compression is required for at least 2 months after suture release.
Exercises for varicose veins are especially important for the elderly. This is an ideal prevention of postoperative complications - slowing of venous outflow and postoperative thrombosis. It is possible that medications are also prescribed to prevent blood clots.
The cosmetic effect after phlebectomy depends mainly on the stage of varicose veins, the peculiarities of the venous system itself and the presence or absence of complications of varicose veins. So in the early stages of varicose veins, the size and number of scars can be minimized. If varicose veins are neglected and associated with trophic ulcers, dermatitis, and extensive pigmentation, these cosmetic defects remain even after surgery, along with small scars at the incision sites.
The cosmetic effect of phlebectomy seriously depends on the individual's predisposition to scar tissue formation. In some, even with serious skin damage, fine marks form. Others, even with very small lesions, have a predisposition to the formation of a thick keloid scar that protrudes above the surface of the skin.
Miniphlebectomy (microphlebectomy)
In recent years, the method of mini-phlebectomy (microflebectomy) has become more and more widespread.
A miniflebectomy is the removal of veins through small skin piercings. This procedure does not require large incisions like varicose vein surgery. Depending on the stage of the varicose veins, microflebectomy may require neither hospitalization nor general anesthesia. The miniflebectomy procedure can be performed on an outpatient basis with a minimum of local anesthesia. The price of a miniflebectomy depends on the length of the problematic vessel.
After the varicose veins are removed, bruises form on the legs. The bruises disappear on their own after 2-3 weeks and after 1-2 months there are practically no traces of varicose veins and the operation remains.
If you need a specialist consultation, make an appointment with a phlebologist at the medical center! Call by phone and specify the details of the operation for the treatment of varicose veins in the leg in our clinic.