Varicose veins are one of the most common diseases in the world and, according to the WHO, occur in every fifth person. Pathology of the venous vessels of the lower extremities is associated with dysfunction of the intravenous valves, dilation of the veins and thinning of their walls. This leads to a reverse blood flow and its stagnation in the blood vessels. The patient's movements are difficult, pain syndrome appears, work capacity and quality of life decreases.
Varicose veins of the lower extremities are caused by many factors. Therefore, the disease requires accurate diagnosis and competent treatment, which is selected individually for each patient.
In the absence of timely therapy, a detached blood clot can lead to dangerous complications, disability, disability and even death.
Causes of varicose veins
Blood in the veins moves in motion towards the heart. The muscles of the lower extremities are responsible for this, as well as the intravenous valves that impede blood flow in the opposite direction. When the valves fail, blood flows against the movement, the pressure in the veins increases and they dilate. As a result, the venous wall becomes thinner and blood is distributed through it to the surrounding tissues, swelling and pain appear in the lower extremities.
Predisposing factors for varicose veins include:
- inheritance;
- excessive load on the lower limbs due to excess weight, intense physical exercise, weight bearing;
- sedentary lifestyle;
- pulling or tightening the veins of the lower extremities (tight clothing, bandages, sports equipment: expanders, elastic bandages);
- prolonged and regular work in a sitting or standing position without changing body position and regular rest;
- continuous wearing of heeled shoes;
- pregnancy and menopause;
- chronic diseases (constipation, diabetes, kidney and cardiovascular diseases).
In men, the main factors in the development of varicose veins are heredity, unbalanced physical activity and bad habits, while varicose veins in women are more often associated with hormonal changes during pregnancy and menopause, wearing uncomfortable shoes.
Symptoms of varicose veins
The first signs of the disease may not be felt physically, but appear only from the outside in the form of vessels of dark blue and translucent purple color through the skin, spider veins and spider veins, swelling of the veins on the surface of the skin in the form of cordstwisted.
Signs of the next stage of varicose veins are manifested in the form of discomfort and pain, there are pulsations, burning or spasms in the legs, there is a feeling of heaviness and swelling of the lower extremities, itching in the affected area. anije.
Complications of varicose veins
Varicose veins can have serious consequences, causing discomfort and life-threatening. This includes:
- trophic eczema or skin ulcer in the area of the affected vein, which is preceded by skin whitening;
- deep vein thrombosis caused by a blood clot from the smaller superficial veins;
- pulmonary embolism due to blood clots that have entered the bloodstream from the veins of the lower extremities;
- varicose vein rupture, which is accompanied by profuse bleeding that is difficult to stop.
Diagnosis of varicose veins
Vein problems are treated by phlebologists, however, other specialists are involved in establishing an accurate diagnosis: angiologist, dermatologist, nutritionist, endocrinologist and, if necessary, surgery, vascular surgeon.
At the initial consultation, the phlebologist explains the symptoms, when they occur and how often they recur, and asks about the presence of similar problems in other family members. In addition, it is important for the physician to know about the patient's lifestyle and habits.
After a thorough examination of the lower extremities and especially the area of concern, the phlebologist may refer the patient for additional examinations: ultrasound, phlebography (venous X-ray), phlebomanometry (measurement of blood pressure in the veins), dimensional computed tomography, phleboshintigraphy(assessment of venous blood flow by intravenous administration of albumin molecules labeled with radioisotopes).
In the advanced or complicated stages, Dopplerography (color duplex angiography) is considered the most accurate method. This allows you to assess the nature of the blood flow, the condition of the valves and deep veins, to identify reverse blood flow and the presence of blood clots.
Only an accurate diagnosis will allow the doctor to design an optimal treatment plan.
Treatment of varicose veins
Therapy aims to identify and minimize the impact of provocative factors of the disease, as well as eliminate the consequences and prevent complications.
There are three approaches to therapy for varicose veins: conservative, minimally invasive, and radical surgery.
Conservative treatment for varicose veins includes:
- The use of phlebotonics-based ointments, gels and tablets - substances that improve the tone of the veins, the condition of their walls, blood circulation, relieve swelling and discomfort. An effective remedy from this group for varicose veins is Detralex, which includes five herbal ingredients that have a beneficial effect on the condition of venous vessels. The drug is available in two forms: tablets and oral suspension.
- Wearing compression underwear, which creates optimal pressure on problem areas of the legs, prevents varicose veins and preserves the tone of the vascular wall.
- Dietary therapy, depending on the specific case, can aim at weight loss, strengthening the walls of venous vessels, preventing edema and normalizing bowel movements. What is important is not only the diet itself, but also a certain diet, as well as the optimal amount of water consumption.
- Physiotherapy is needed to improve blood circulation, increase the tone of the muscles and blood vessels in the legs, and eliminate venous stasis. In addition, physical activity helps to normalize weight and improves the patient's psychological state. Sports with varicose veins require the observance of safety precautions. In particular, during exercise, you should wear compression underwear and drink plenty of water to prevent dehydration and increase blood viscosity. Prolonged static loads and heavy lifting are also prohibited. After exercise, it is recommended to lie on your back with your legs up to ensure blood flow from the veins.
Non-invasive methods of varicose vein removal include laser treatment (laser exposure) and radiofrequency ablation (high frequency current exposure). As a result, the vessel walls coalesce and the vein is quickly resolved.
Sclerotherapy is also performed: a sclerosing agent is injected into the affected vein - a special substance that causes it to block. As a result, blood flow is redirected to the nearest healthy vessel and the problematic vein disappears over time. The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis with the mandatory wearing of compression underwear after it.
In severe cases of varicose veins, phlebectomy is performed - an operation to remove part or all of the damaged vessel. Such a radical approach is recommended in cases where the patient has contraindications to the methods of "union", as well as at a high risk of recurrence of the disease.
After surgery, to prevent varicose veins in the future, it is necessary to normalize the diet, give up bad habits, take medication prescribed by the doctor to thin the blood and strengthen blood vessels, and do therapeutic exercises.
Prevention of varicose veins
It includes sports activities (swimming, walking, cycling, jogging, gymnastics), adhering to a drinking regime, avoiding bad habits, tight clothing, high-heeled shoes, regular warm-up during sedentary work, whendescribed by a compression sock worn by doctors. In addition, it is important to monitor the general state of health to identify and treat in time the diseases that can provoke varicose veins.
At the first suspicion of a problem with the vessels, you should contact a specialist for diagnosis and timely initiation of treatment.